Wednesday 24 November 2010

LIIAR Analysis Of Three Double Page Spreads

The first I wish to analyse is a double page spread from the magazine Kerrang.

This double page spread uses such media language structures as a masthead, a main image, a series of four other images and a sidebar containing various information along with a bar stating which section this part of the magazine is such as this double page spread shows the bar displaying "news world exclusive".

This double page spread also shows that the institution involved is the magazine Kerrang I know this because there is a sell line on this page suggesting that the band My Chemical Romance had invited Kerrang to their recording studio. I think that it's hardly likely to be advertising an event which there competitors are doing at the time because that would sell the other magazine. This magazine is using the band My Chemical Romance to sell there own magazine which at the same time are selling the band which they are featuring. This idea of two areas of the media helping each other out on a regular basis happens quite often.

This magazine double page spread uses various bits of ideology one being how such as how the various images are showing the band My Chemical Romance showing as much effort as possible through each of the images shown. Making it look like they are both trying there hardest and at the same time enjoying playing/writing the music they play.

The target audience for this double page spread and music magazine in general is the indie and modern rock music genre. I think this due to the kind of band being hosted on the double page spread along with the colour scheme being used which is deprived of red, black and white. These colours are often seen as the colours used by typical rock bands.

This double page spread represents the bands as being a successful band due to how hard they try at there work. This could be a way of trying to get people who wish to be like these people that there is more than just fun and games to having a job and lifestyle like this.

The next magazine double page spread I wish to analyse is a double page spread from Q magazine.

This double page spread uses such media language techniques as a masthead stating the topic in this case it says "CASH for questions" suggesting that this is a interview of Paul Weller. This cover uses a simple image on one side and the text/other content on the other.

The double page spreads institution is Q magazine however featured in this double page spread is Paul Weller who could be classed as a institution as he or people related  to him in terms of business will benefit from him being in a magazine. This could help sell any products based around him or his associates.

This magazine double page spread uses such ideas as within the image there is a flag being the Union Jack. This suggests that he is from or strongly supports the United Kingdom.

This magazine aims this spread at the audience who grow up in the 70's - 80's as the bands he is from are The Style Council and The Jam from each time period this means that the population who would grow up with his music would be people around 40's and up in there age.

The spread represents Paul Weller in my opinion as a man who now is quite low on money as the title of the page is cash for questions. This does not give a very good impression of this man for the readers however this may encourage the readers to buy or use his less recent products such as music he has produced in the past with his older bands when he had the spare money.

The next double page spread I will be analysing will be a double page spread from a Mojo magazine.

This double page spread uses such media language features as a masthead lots of various images and is split up into different sections by a divider rather than using the page to do so. This is different to the other magazines that I have looked at previously before. The pages also contain a large amount of text split up again but this time by spaces rather than a line divide.

This double page spreads institution is the music magazine Mojo. However the magazine also enforces other institutions especially on this particular double page spread where multiple products from other institutes is featured. This will benefit those on this page by producing a form of advertising.

This spread uses ideology methods such as how it presents the bands and music in each of the images, now a lot of these will most likely be just album covers but the image on the left page is showing a group of man in black and white and in various clothing this black and white image could be implying that there music type is styled to music which is from the past or they are from the past by which I mean that this could be an image taken in the past.

The audience of this spread could be based around different age groups as it is selling different products.

This double page spread represents this featured music as something which people should buy. I find this because the title for this double page spread is "How To Buy" suggesting that readers should spend there money like suggested in this magazine.

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