Wednesday 10 November 2010

LIIAR Interpretation of breif


The form of media which is used is is how the music magazine are designed appropriately to cater for the genre of music they are based on. The front cover must be made up of a main image, a masthead, a selling line, cover lines, date line, bar-code and a main cover line. These are all the convention which this kind media text often uses within the cover. The contents page often contains such items as a masthead, a page references, a large array of images and a short story.


The institution of any magazine is both the company which produces the content and the magazine and the publisher of the magazine. However for this coursework I could be considered as the institution as I decide on all of the content which will go into this work such as the layout of the pages the images, the headlines and the name of the magazine.


Ideology is the ideas behind the magazine such as the how the institution wishes to give an idea such as a reviewer for a magazine may not like a item which they are reviewing and they write about the item in such manner, this may influence the readers opinion on something as so they do not buy it even if they may have enjoyed or liked such item. Most of the time the magazine will try and get something positive across rather than putting negative ideas in a readers mind. On a smaller scale magazines have a very similar power over there readers who are more prone to such influencing ideas than others.


The target audience for a magazine depends on what the magazine is about. For example it is a lot less likely that a young child will want to read a magazine with the ideas and names such as classic music monthly or pensioners paradise for such magazines are aimed at a much older population or age group. The magazine which I wish to produce will be aimed at teenagers and middle aged people due to the content of the magazine. The magazine will be focused around the classic and progressive rock genres and in these modern time not many young people will listen to such music.


Music magazines often represent the people who are in them as superstars, people with great power and wealth. Whilst attempting to create an idea of self belief, trying to make the readers want to be like the people portrayed within these magazines.

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